Monday, July 14, 2008

I Got a J!!

I arrived home today to every girl's dream-that little blue box from Tiffany!  My AWESOME cousin Renata read my blog on "Bracelets & Necklaces" and sent me a "J."  A very public thank you to her! :) 


Anonymous said...

It looks so pretty with the heart. Thanks for always sharing. You do a lot more then share your thoughts but teach people great lessons. I can't wait for our kids to become friends like we have become. Love you!


sari said...

I absolutely love it, Cam! It is beautiful, feminine and perfectly represents Julia. You have great taste, Renata :)

tz1920 said...

Wow! Renata, if you are reading this, you are a very special person. But I know your understanding comes from your own struggles. Truly one of the nicest gestures ever.

Unknown said...

and i thought it was a twisted 'C'!!

it's beautiful though. a wonderful way to carry Julia with you and introduce her to all your new friends who wonder, like me, why is there a J there if her name is Cameron?!?