Because of an eye infection he has right now he is unable to drive a lot and the doctors recommended that they discontinue their trip. This was not an option for them, and they are en route to Detroit as we speak. My mom drove the whole way, with my dad being her cheerleader in the passenger seat. My parents are an unbelievable team and they continue to amaze me. This has not been a good year for our family, but they have powered right through and ALWAYS ALWAYS manage to live their life to the fullest.
When I first heard about the most recent eye problems, my instinct was to burst into tears. But instead I took a deep breath and pictured the two of them in their new SUV, living out their dream of retiring early and traveling the country. Life has been hard for them over the past few years, but you wouldn't know it if you saw them.
Every time I start feeling sorry for myself, I think of the two of them.
As I finish writing this I can already hear my father complaining about how sappy and unnecessary it is, but I don't care. They deserve it.
Wow! Actually he only takes 6 medications a day. And yes we are having the time of our lives. Life is short. You must live every day to the fullest. It helps to be with the love of your life. Love momxox
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