The second film is only about 3 minutes long, and is on January 1st, one day before Julia's birth. I was in a bitchy mood and looking for our admission papers for the hospital. Josh kept taping, and I kept telling him to go away (but in words that I can't repeat here). He was telling me not to worry about the papers, that he could tell them all the information. And he said, "Even if I can't, it's not like you will be unconscious." OUCH...
Both of us had forgotten about these tapes, and when he found them today he called to tell me. I could tell he really wanted me to see them, and even though I didn't think I could handle it, I watched them. As I think of them now, I have a smile on my face. These are not sad tapes, they are tapes of us and our baby girl and they made me happy.
About 6 weeks before Julia's birth, a friend of ours interviewed us for over an hour about our pregnancy and our lives. I still remember doing the interview-talking about the pregnancy, and how excited we were to be parents... I am not ready to view it yet, but just knowing it is out there makes me smile.
For me, videos were so much more powerful than pictures because we didn't have that many (and, now, they are that much more precious too). We bought our video camera about 2 weeks before Jacob was born and my family was over-- and we did family interviews about how much we couldn't wait for this baby to be here and how spoiled it was going to be and whether we thought it was a boy or a girl. I still have the original mini-DVD saved in Jacob's memory box. I watched it once toward the end of my pregnancy with Talia (when we again brought out the video camera... not to take interviews, but just to get ready to take to the hospital. And, when I realized that there was a DVD in there, I knew exactly what it was.
I'm glad you can smile thinking about those videos. We cling to any tangible memories of our children-- especially during our perfectly happy and innocent pregnancies. We'll talk soon.
Lots of love,
I wish we had video...
I am thankful for all those belly shots I took though.
I know you will treasure those video's for all time. How wonderful that you have them. Even more wonderful is that the videos bring a smile to your face.
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