Julia's gravestone will be very simple, and will have a quote on it from one of our favorite children's books, Love You Forever by Robert Munsch. The book used to be one of my all time favorites to read aloud to students, but since Julia's death I haven't been able to read it to a class.
When we got to the cemetery it was better than times past. I think this is mostly because it was a beautiful day- all the other times we have visited it has been cold and gray. We sat down in front of her grave and read Love You Forever to our daughter. It was sad and we cried, but it also felt so good to be able to read to her. Anytime I can do something for my daughter I am thrilled. Lighting a candle each Sunday, showing off her scrapbook, reading to her...these are what I have and I'll take them.
The bitterness is not there as much anymore. I look back on that last sentence, and a few months ago I would have listed the things I can do for my daughter in anger. But I don't feel that way anymore.
Today I was taking a walk and a women with a newborn in a baby born passed by me on the street.
I looked at her holding her tiny baby and smiled.
Oh Camaron. Love momxoxo
I say BRAVO! through the tears I always shed reading about or thinking of your Julia.
Love,Aunt Renee
I'm so glad that you had a much more positive experience visiting Julia this time. We did the same thing with Jacob-- reading some of our favorite books to him.
We do whatever we can... they are still our children.
Lots of love,
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