Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Being Social

Josh and I went to a friends party last weekend.  I was nervous about it all day.  Even though things are better , I don't go to large gathering with people I don't know.  These still scare me, and this was a case in point.

The first half of the evening was great, and I found myself relaxing and actually enjoying myself.  There was a man sitting next to me who was at the party solo, but I noticed a wedding ring on his finger.  To make conversation I asked him where his wife was, and he said she was at home with their 2 week year old baby.  I couldn't bring myself to say congratulations, so instead I said, "I guess she's the babysitter tonight" and quickly turned away.  I am sure he was puzzled by my reaction, as most normal people would immediately have asked about the baby and said congrats.  I don't feel bad about not doing that, but it was awkward.

After that another man there mentioned how his wife (also present) was reading "What to Expect When You're Expecting" each night.  It didn't really bother me that someone was pregnant (she wasn't showing and no one was really talking about it)- but all I could think about was how I used to do that every night.  I wanted to be able to go over and share with her all about my pregnancy but I couldn't.  There were all these people who were expecting or new parents in the room, and I just had to keep my mouth shut.

1 comment:

R said...

I understand- I've come to dread weddings & parties of most any kind. I interact with people a lot on a daily basis but it's generally never anything deep and a lot of our regular customers know our story so that helps but it's taken a while to get used to the 'Do you have any children' question and others like it.