Saturday, September 27, 2008

It's Hard to Say Congratulations...

Friends of ours had a baby today.  Josh called another friend of ours to find out the details.  He asked the name of the baby, and when he said "Jordan" we both breathed a sigh of relief.  It's much easier to hear about people having boys than girls.  But then our friend said, "Jordan Audrey," and we realized it was a girl. 

 Josh looked at the tears in my eyes and said, "I know."  

Hearing about someone giving birth is still hard for me.  It brings back all those memories from the night of Julia's birth- the incredible euphoria followed by the most unbelievable pain.   I have been able to get rid of most of my bitter and angry thoughts, but with childbirth they are still strong.  I hate hearing someone complain about how long they were in labor for.  I hate hearing that their birth did not go the way it should have.  If you have a healthy baby, then everything went fine.

My brain knows it's not fair to think these things, but my heart can't accept that.  



R said...

I understand how you feel- we have two friends who are both due in January so they're at the same point in their pregnancy that we were last year. I don't think I've asked them anything about the pregnancy or baby because I'm scared I'll just break down & cry. I feel like I should but I just can't bring myself to. Do you ever go between longing to hold other babies and not even being able to look at them?

Amy said...

Everything you say is true. Births are so incredibly difficult to hear about. The tears come, bringing with them all the joyous memories, then the grief. I don't know if birth announcements will ever get easier....
Like you, the bitter is mostly gone, but tears still flow for what I don't have.

Yes, my heart and arms ache to hold a baby, but I tremble with fear inside too.
