Sunday, November 2, 2008

10 Months

It finally happened...

Josh and I were at the grocery store, and a women came up and asked me to sign some petition against a proposed garbage dump in the neighborhood.  She started with, "I can see you are going to be a mom..." and I just knew it was coming.  After I signed, she asked if I had any other kids and I said yes.  She asked how many and I said I had a daughter, praying she wouldn't ask me how old she was.  She went on to say something about how kids will eat you out of house and home, and I made an exit before she could ask anything else.

I am relieved to get the first one out of the way, and happy that I was able to acknowledge Julia.  

She would have been 10 months old today.


sari said...

I'm so proud of you. The first time being asked that question I stumbled and sounded like an idiot (like I couldn't remember how many children I had)... despite practicing and rehearsing my answer in advance. That question does get easier with time.... although the amount of information that you offer might chance with each occurrance. That's ok too.... I'm glad you got the first one over with.

Amy said...

I am glad you got through that. I try the same tactic you tried as far as limiting the answer and hoping the questioner will stop asking. Sometimes they stop, sometimes they don't. I am of the opinion that if a person asks a question, they should be prepared for the answer - what ever it may be.

The last time I tried this was at a friends wedding. She noticed my tattoo and asked to see it. Fine. Then she asked what it was I said "a memorial tattoo." and was going to leave it there. But she asked for who. I said "my son" and felt I should give a brief history of his name and what happened. Here questions led her to my answer.

Questions are rarely easy.

